Weekend at lake Lu

Crossing the dam Lake Lu Saturday 27th of June.
I decided to fight the heat and hit Lake Lu at daylight Saturday morning 6-27-09
3rd cast of the morning with a zara spook in baby bass color.I didnt even work the lure, I didn't see the hit, but I heard it, the cider block hit, it was loud and it was fun.
(I have a vid, that's not too good I'll add at the end of the post of this fish.)

First fish of the day, what a great way to start, cool, calm and explosions at daylight:) There's a tape that goes to 18 inches in the photos, you can tell pretty much how long they are.

another pic of her, over 23 inches and over 8lbs.
I caught 5 bass total Saturday, 3 dinks and another toad of almost 5 lbs. The 5 hit a shakyhead in some brush. It was hot, but those fish made is seem like I was fishing in Alaska :)
Sunday, the lake opens at 1230 or so on Sunday, I wasn't in a hurry to go and sweat so I got there around 230. slight nw wind with some clouds(thank you lord)
Both days the water temp was in the low 90's but it's green that's a good thing.
I started fishing and went a couple of hours with only 2 small fish on a crankbait. around 5 or so, I hit a shallow bar where I've caught some big fish in the past and was bumping the bottom around a bream bed and this fish hit and went crazy, she was around 19 inches and around 5lb

sweet! that's why we fish.
That fish made my day and I was ready to start fishing back to the boat area. I stopped to hit another shallow bar that sits about 15 feet off the bank, I know it's a bream bed,seen the big holes when the water was clear. I started dragging the crank though the holes, feeling it hit then bounce up, on about the 3rd hole I felt the crankbait go away from me, I leaned into the hit and knew I had another solid fish on. It went crazy, I stumbled around for the net,when a 9/10 pounder jumps it's awesome(as long as I'm not in a tourney:)

This fish was over 24 inches long and I know it was close to if not over 10. I didn't weight it, cause it was just too hot to keep it out long, I wish I did weight it. Ohwell it was big toad! Sunday all 4 fish hit a H2O crankbait, was a long slender chartreuse with a green back kind that runs about 4 feet deep.
Both days were hot but fun. 2 over 8 and 2 more around 5. Now that's bass fishing in the south in June :)
Here's video I shot on Saturday of the 8, sorry quality, it's hard to fight the fish and shoot the vid, I'm working on my technique :)
Fish on